Wednesday, June 25, 2008

So long, Due Date... we hardly knew ye

Even though Nancy's ready to be done (looks that way, doesn't it? ;-)... it appears full-term wasn't enough for our little guy. As you may have guessed from the subject of this post, today (6/25) was our due date. Our next appointment with the doc is tomorrow, and we're excited for an update.

I don't know about you guys, but the longer I stare at that photo... the more it appears there's a Goodyear Blimp trying to break through Nancy's shirt. I'm probably gonna get in trouble for that one ;-)
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1 comment:

jmsesow said...

Well it's the NEXT DAY (June 26th) and I've heard Nancy is in labor NOW! Eeeeeeeeeeeee!! I came here looking for an update...where's the baaaayy-beee???? Eric? Anyone??? : )