Saturday, February 28, 2009

Worst. Blogger. Ever.

Sorry, I'm the world's worst blogger. It has been almost three months and that's quite a while in baby-time. I've got some crawling video I need to get posted. Simon figured it out about two weeks ago. The first week, I don't think he quite grasped how big of a deal it was... but now he's exploring everything. He is quickly showing us the things we missed in baby-proofing.

I've posted some more web albums that pretty much recap what's happened in the last three months.

Miscellaneous shots from the last three months:
First Christmas with Nancy's side of the family:
First Christmas with Erik's side of the family:
Nancy ran the Phoenix Marathon in January. Six months post-partum and qualified for Boston... not too shabby! The Springers, Simon, and I were there to help cheer her on:
Nancy's Mom, sisters Brenda and Lisa, and Lisa's girls Shannan, Shelby, and Kara came down to our house for a visit:
I took an afternoon off and met Nancy and Simon downtown so Simon could go to the Lincoln Children's Museum for the first time:
That's probably enough for now. We'll see if I can get that crawling video posted before he's walking...

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1 comment:

Scott said...

Good to have you back. Sorry we missed you guys last weekend. Simon sure is growing.

Way to go, Nancy! Congratulations on qualifying for Boston.