Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Simon was a Rollin' Stone

Simon rolled over on his own for the first time today! Nancy and I were both there watching it happen, and we probably freaked him out with our reactions. Alternate titles for this post are as follows:

Rollin' with my Homies
That's how I Roll
The Roll of a Lifetime
Rock 'n' Roll, Coochie-Coo... Lordy Simon, light my fuse
"Let's Roll." (too soon?)
Simonroll (like a Rickroll, but cuter)
MMORPG (Mommy & Me Observed Roll Playing Guy)

If you got the joke on those last two... that's a sign you spend too much time on teh internetz! LOL!!!!!111! (again with the internet "humor", jeez I need to go outside).
If you're interested, here are some photos from the baptism weekend.
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