Saturday, July 19, 2008

Loose Hips Sink Ships

When Simon was born, the nurse noticed a click/clunk when she put his legs through the range of motion. Potential hip dysplasia. So, that was something the pediatrician wanted to have checked out. We went to a pediatric orthopod on Friday. They confirmed the click, but said it likely wasn't a big deal. Since Nancy is so extremely feminine, her estrogen is likely still in Simon, causing his ligaments to be loose. We are going to have an ultrasound done next week on the hip. Hopefully, it will confirm the hip's okay. Otherwise he will likely be in a Pavlik harness for three months or so.

You can see the harness here:

Since that would suck, we are hoping for the best. We aren't too worried about it, though, considering that there are a lot worse things in the world, and he would probably hardly notice it anyway ;-)

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